GameGuardian v6.0 APK EASY Tutorial is an hack/alteration tool. you can make change the money, HP, SP, and much more. it is not detectable by anti-cheat apps and has a lock function to lock in a value (HP permanently 100%)
GameGuardian v6.0 APK EASY Tutorial : Android 2.2+
1. Install APK.
2. Place in SD card.
3. Install the apk. (If installation of the new version fails, uninstall the old version first)
4. Launch the app.
5. When prompted, allow SuperUser request.
6. Launch GameGuardian.
Understand This First
1-byte (0-255): Games usually use this to define a "Yes" or "No" function, such as "is shooting." (but could be anything else.. is running, is jumping.. etc)
(If you set "is jumping" to 1, character will always be on air, which means it will be flying) 0 = No, 1 = Yes
2-bytes (0 - 65535): Similar to 4-bytes, just that it can't store values as high as 4-bytes.
4-bytes (0 - 4294967295):This is what you are usually looking for. For example, addresses that governs gold, ammo or even lives are usually 4-bytes values.
1. Start the GameGuardian app.
2. Press the back button to return to your screen before this.
3. Start your game.
4. Look for the value you want to change, e.g. 35214 (the amount of gold)
5. Click on the transparent GameGuardiuan icon (with a picture of a dog on it, could be anywhere on the screen, the position can be changed, read more) to enter the GameGuardian menu and press the second tab.
6. Press "Search" and type in the number you want to change, e.g. 29186, then press "Search". It will return you with a couple of results, read on.
7. Play the game / buy some stuff to change the value of the gold, e.g. now, the value is 29198. Press the transparent icon again and press "Search". Type the new value and "Search" again. It should now return you with one value ( go on changing the value of the gold and do more searches until you get only one result)
8. Long press the address shown and type in any number you want, e.g. 999999. The value of gold will change into the number you entered just now.

GameGuardian v6.0 APK Tutorial EASY